55 Speed Street, Liverpool NSW 2170
(02) 9822 8022
2 Winspear Ave, Bankstown NSW 2200
(02) 9708 1220


This section is used to display learning support occurred in Al Amanah


Careers support and guidance is essential for students to enable them to plan, monitor and evaluate their career options. It is important that students are given appropriate support and guidance at the beginning of senior school to allow them to pursue academic excellence and career options either at Al Amanah College or elsewhere. Students will be supported in developing realistic career goals which will guide them to make informed and appropriate decisions for suitable careers or study pathways.

Aims And Objectives

  • Successful formulation and implementation of ‘Career action plan’ for every student in Year 10.
  • Student interviews to identify student career needs and reviewing strategies to help students achieve their goals
  • Providing careers advice and essential information on careers opportunities. Organising visits and tours to Universities and careers expos.
  • Establishing effective communication between school, parents and/or the community. Liaise with other school communities, TAFE and colleges.
  • Establishing and strengthening communication with all stages 5 and 6 Year advisors, teachers and stage 6 Coordinator.

Year 10 Work Experience At Al Amanah College

All Year 10 students at Al Amanah College are required to do a minimum of 30 hours or an equivalent of 5 days of work experience at a time specified by the school.

Al Amanah College is very proud of its work experience program. It gives its students the opportunity to experience the “world of work”, broaden their knowledge and help decide on possible career options, through a short term placement. Work experience allows students to:

  • Observe different types of work being done
  • Ask questions about the work
  • Gain skills and knowledge
  • Undertake supervised work that is appropriate to the students’ level

What Are The Benefits Of Work Experience For Students?

This program will enable students to:

  • Experience the world of work
  • Gain insight into paid work
  • Recognise the value of work place learning
  • Increase knowledge on the nature of work, such as new technology, work place “rights” for employers and employees.
  • Establish an informed decision for career choices and career opportunities
  • Further develop practical and theoretical skills associated with the workplace.
  • Improve interpersonal skills
  • Increase self-esteem and self confidence
  • Establish possible contacts with employers
  • Explore a range of workplace experiences
  • Gain a positive attitude towards work

What Are The Benefits For Employers?

This workplace experience program will enable employers to:

  • Strengthen the bond between schools and the local community
  • Introduce the industry as a potential career path to young people
  • Expose students to the different types of employment, casual, part-time or full-time work
  • Further develop employee’s managerial skills

Student Opportunities

Every year, Year 10 students have the opportunity to participate in work experience. It provides our students wonderful opportunity of work placements around the Western Sydney business area. Students generally present themselves very well and a number of them have been offered work either full time or part time by their employers over the years. Feedback given to the school has always been very encouraging.