Uniform And Appearance
Praise be to Allah and may Allah raise the rank of Prophet Muhammad and protect his nation.
Parents' Guide To School Uniform
School Uniform
School uniform shall be worn by students at all times during school activities inside or outside the school. Students wearing the school uniform (including the hijab for female students from Year 5 onwards) outside the school must behave in accordance with the school’s code of conduct when they are travelling to and from the school.
A clean, well groomed appearance should be maintained at all times. School shoes must be polished at all times, nails to be kept short and clean.
Standard hair cut only. No rat tails, mow hawks, or undercut step styles will be accepted.
No nail polish and no make-up or lipstick to be worn. No excessive jewellery and/or inappropriate accessories to be worn. Hijab must be worn at all times by all girls attending Year 5 onwards. One inch high heels school shoes is the maximum allowance for girl’s shoes.
- Unisex school navy jumper can be worn under blazers in cold winter weather
- “Ballerina” and “Raben” shoes are not to be worn by any student.
- School hats should be worn in playgrounds, “No Hat No Play”.
- School Beanies are available for winter uniform.
Al Amanah College Parents’
Guide To School Uniform