Al Amanah College is a comprehensive co-educational K – 12, school offering education underpinned by Islamic values and operating within the requirements of the NESA. The purpose of this document is to assist the School in providing and implementing a step-by-step application and enrolment process which provides a transparent and consistent reference point to both those seeking enrolment and those responsible for enrolment at the school. All applications will be processed in order of receipt and consideration will be given to the applicant’s support for the ethos of the school, siblings already attending the school and other criteria determined by the school from time to time. Once enrolled, students are expected to support the school’s ethos and comply with the school rules to maintain the enrolment.
Best Practice Guidelines
Waiting List
Families wishing to enroll their children and siblings at the school must follow the enrollment process outlined below. This means that a child may be recorded on the wait-list in order to be considered according to the School’s Best Practice Guidelines; however this does not mean that enrollment is guaranteed.
Interview & Assessment Notifications
If parent and child do not attend the interview or the entrance assessment the child’s name will be removed from the wait-list. All placements are subject to withdrawal of offer by Al Amanah College, should circumstances under which the offer was made alter prior to enrollment.
Conditions For Acceptance
On acceptance of the offer of a position the following conditions must be agreed to: That a non-refundable, non-transferable $200 Enrolment Fee In Advance is paid. Once students are enrolled they are expected to support the school’s ethos and comply with the school rules to maintain the enrolment.
Probationary Period
In certain circumstances there is a probationary period of one (1) term for new students. At the end of the probationary period, parents are advised of the continuation or termination of their child’s enrolment. The probationary period may be extended at the discretion of the School Principal or his delegate. If the child is withdrawn within the probationary period, the balance of the tuition fee only (excluding building fund payments and the Enrolment Fee In Advance) is refunded for that term. After the probationary period has lapsed, no refund is applicable.
Enrolment Considerations
It is essential that parents have an understanding of Al Amanah College Philosophy and a desire for their children to participate fully in the life of the school. Once a child is enrolled, parents are advised to further their knowledge of Al Amanah College as their child progresses through the school by attending all Parent Evenings, visiting the school, and supporting the college ethos and principles.Before your child is offered a place at Al Amanah College, the following factors are considered:
Interview and Classroom Appraisal (entrance exam, previous school report).
Current student numbers, application date, age, balance in the classroom, child’s readiness for school, learning needs, academic and behaviour record. Sibling priority is not guaranteed. Preference will normally be given to siblings of children attending the school, provided the family has continued to demonstrate support for the school.
The Enrolment Process
All new applicants wishing to enroll at Al Amanah College need to complete the Expression of Interest Form which can be forwarded to the school at any time for consideration, however within an appropriate time frame prior to an interview process.
The Expression of Interest form for new students requires a basic student information, school connection and family information.
The form is returned to the Enrollment Officer, an acknowledgement letter is sent and student information is entered on the school’s database. An interview may be required for new students.
All those who have completed an Expression of Interest Form are contacted by the Enrollment Officer prior to the entrance exam. The Information Form accompanies a letter regarding the enrollment process and includes the Enrollment Contract and current Fee Schedule .
On completion of the Information Form, these are returned to the Enrollment Officer where they are checked for completed information.
Where documentation is missing, families are contacted to provide the appropriate data.
Once documentation is complete the Enrollment Officer arranges an interview with the Principal or his delegate if required and will notify the parents of the entrance exam.
The Information Form and any other necessary documentation is required to be returned by a specific date and the entrance exam and interview process where applicable cannot proceed unless the Information Form is completed by that date.
Where additional information or reports are required, the enrollment application process may take longer.
A formal letter will be posted to inform parents about the date of the entrance assessment and interview. This normally takes place in term 3 of each year.
For annual intake of students, interviews with the family and the applicant, where applicable are held up to a 2 month period as arranged by the Enrollment Officer.
It is the school’s responsibility that parents/guardians be made aware of full and frank disclosure requirements when completing the Information Form. This includes advising parents/guardians that failing to provide relevant details and assessments may result in the cancellation of an enrollment interview.
Parents/guardians will be required to discuss their financial capacity to pay fees and the options open to them to do so in fee and voluntary contribution payments.
The enrollment officer informs the applicant the family by phone or through a letter of an offer of enrollment.
The parents/guardians and applicant sign the Enrollment Contract and return it to the Enrollment Officer. A signed Enrollment Contract is retained by school and one copy is retained by the parents/guardians.
Parents accepting the school’s offer should return the Enrollment Contract with the non-refundable Enrollment Fee $200 to confirm their acceptance.
If no offer of placement is made, the parents/guardians will be informed in writing.
Parents/Guardians’ Enrollment Contract is a legally binding contract between the parents/guardians and Al Amanah College.
The school will acknowledge enquiries in the most appropriate and timely manner according to its documented procedures.
The Enrolment Register
An electronic register of enrolments (SENTRAL) will be used. The register will contain:
- Student name, gender, date of birth , place and country of birth
- Nationality
- Residential address
- Date and grade of enrolment
- Previous school attended
- Family details
- Alternative family details (if any)
- Anaphylaxis medical information forms (if any)
- Individual registration number
- Enrolment status ie: full time, part time etc
- Date and grade of ceased enrolment
- Student’s destination
- Medicare details
- Medical condition (if any)
- Access restrictions (if any)
School Policies
Students and parents/guardians are required under the Enrolment Contract to abide by and support the school policies as outlined in the Enrolment Contract. From time to time these policies may change as the need may arise.
Expression Of Interest For Enrolment Form
Fee Form
for enquiries about school fees please complete the form or email our accounts department.