55 Speed Street, Liverpool NSW 2170
(02) 9822 8022
2 Winspear Ave, Bankstown NSW 2200
(02) 9708 1220

Excursions Policy


  • While recognising the potential benefits of excursions, Al Amanah recognises that such activities may interrupt normal learning routines of students. Accordingly, consideration is given the educational value of proposed excursion in relation to the total needs and resources of the school and in relation to the students’ needs and total learning program.
  • All excursions must have the approval of the Principal.
  • All teachers participating in an excursion must accept responsibility for students in their care for the duration of the excursion.
  • Prior to any excursion taking place there must be consultation between the Principal and staff concerned with its organization. Parents including guardians will be informed of the full details of any planned excursion.
  • In writing, including details of all planned activities for the excursion.Signed consent forms granting permission for students to participate in an excursion must be obtained from the parents.
  • If it is not possible to obtain a signed consent form from parents, oral approval can be sought. A record of any oral approval given by parents needs to be recorded and kept in the student’s file.
  • At Al Amanah expensive excursions are generally avoided.Where financial hardship is understood to be the reason for a student’s non-participation, the school will endeavour to provide financial assistance.
  • If parents do not permit participation of a student in an excursion the school is committed to make available a sound alternative educational experience.

Conduct Of Excursions


  • Public transport (government bus, rail and ferry services, or private bus and ferry services) are used for school excursions wherever possible.

Safety And Supervision

  • Before the planned excursion is undertaken the Principal will ensure that a full Risk Assessment is carried out and precautions are taken in relation to the safety of the participants and that supervision will be adequate in relation to the number of students, their maturity, anticipated behaviour and the activities planned.

Staff members at Al Amanah planning overnight or extended excursions do recognise their special duty of care for student safety and welfare in these circumstances. Necessary steps are taken to provide sufficient numbers of appropriate, responsible adults to ensure adequate supervision, especially with co-educational groups. Staff members are aware that they retain the ultimate responsibility for supervision while on excursions and cannot transfer that responsibility to parents, other volunteers or employees of external organizations, such as hotel staff.

The school recognises the need to ensure that all adults who are accompanying such excursions to assist with supervision are in compliance with the school child protection policy guidelines.

On overnight and extended excursions, supervisory and accommodation arrangements are such that no staff member is placed in a position where there is a potential for allegations of improper conduct to be made. In particular, sleeping arrangements should not place any adults in a situation where the propriety of their behaviour could be questioned. Likewise, sleeping and supervisory arrangements are planned in such a way to ensure that no student is placed in a situation where there is the likelihood of sexual contact between students.

Where it is considered necessary, the site of the proposed excursion should be assessed beforehand to identify potential problems or dangers and to determine the level of supervision necessary to avoid the risk of injury.

Parental Involvement

  • Parents will frequently volunteer to assist in excursions. The number of parents who might be of assistance will vary according to circumstances.

Unscheduled Activities

  • Students participating in an excursion are not permitted to engage in additional or alternative activities which were not originally scheduled in the program and for which parental approval would normally have been necessary (eg horse riding, water activities).

Special Requirements

  • At Al Amanah under no circumstances may safety requirements be compromised. Where any excursion involves swimming or water activities, the Principal will insist that parents provide flotation devices considered necessary for students. Parents must be asked to indicate the swimming ability of their children when giving consent for students to participate in this type of excursions.
  • If parents indicate students are poor or non-swimmers and no flotation devices are available for use by the students, the Principal will assess whether such students should participate in the swimming or water activities of the excursion. This assessment must take place irrespective of parental permission for the students to participate in the swimming or water activity.

Film Screenings And Live Performances

  • “PG” films may be shown only after parental permission has been received through a permission note being sent home.

Record Of Excursions

  • The school maintains a record of all excursions held.

Performances By School Musical Ensembles

  • The attendance of school performing ensembles (choirs, orchestras, bands etc.) and at concerts, festivals and competitions, and the presentation of concerts, is subject to the same conditions that apply to excursions

Excursions Involving Overnight Stays

All excursions at Al Amanah will relate to curriculum areas. The location of the overnight excursion will be dependent on:

  • The unit of work being studied by the grade; and the teachers of the grade
  • Relevance to curriculum
  • Cost factor

Excursions involving overnight stays will be organised within the context of the school excursion policy and curriculum programs. Student safety is of paramount importance and every attempt will be made to maintain the highest safety standards at all times. Appropriate documentation will be completed and relevant authorities notified.

Parents will be consulted and fully informed prior to such activities being arranged and that the rights of parents to give permission for their child to participate in such activities will be respected.

If sufficient concern exists on safety, health or legal issues, the school may withhold permission for particular students to attend an overnight excursion.