Mawlid Celebration 1445h

Mawlid Celebration 1445h
On Wednesday the 20th of September, Al Amanah College held a Mawlid celebration where students, staff members and parents came together to celebrate the birth of the best creation Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). The month of the Prophets birth is a blessed month where Muslims around the world gather under one slogan, which this year is ‘Allah the Greatest we thank, for granting Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him the highest rank).
The celebration was hosted by Year 11 School Captain Yara Hammad who did a wonderful job in hosting. Year 11 student Nour Al-Kasem opened the ceremony with a beautiful Qur’anic recitation. Principal Mr Alwan, addressed students, teachers and parents about the blessings of coming together and honouring the best of all creations whilst congratulating the school community on celebrating this wonderful occasion. A warm welcome was extended to our special guests, the members from Darunnajah University in Indonesia, who were called to the stage to accept a gift on behalf of the school
. Sheikh Samer Alshafie delivered a captivating religious lesson which enlightened many about the life of Prophet Muhammad and how celebrating his birth is a reminder of exhibiting the values of our beloved religion Islam. Sheikh Muhammad Halabi was then called to the stage to announce the winners of the Mawlid Competition – congratulations to all winners!
A heart warming chant about the Prophet Peace and blessings be upon him was performed by Year 2 students, followed by the Year 5 and 6 students was then performed. A much- anticipated live performance by the chanting band was then enjoyed by the crowd. This year, Mr Alwan had also prepared a special surprise for the students, staff and parents of Al Amanah which brought about much excitement. The surprise being the international chanter Khaled El-Atyar who performed amazing chants for the students of Al Amanah alongside the chanting band.
The celebration ended with students being able to seek the blessings of the Prophet’s hair and sweets were handed out to all those who attended.
Al Amanah College would like to wish all students and families a wonderful Mawlid Mubarak.